
General Information

Sales Representative
Owner Breyer Nora

Johann-Weber Straße 47, 1210 Vienna
E-Mail: [email protected]

Value added tax-exempt by § 6 Abs 1 Z 27 UStG

Member of the Vienna Chamber of Commerce

Media-Owner: Breyer Nora

Enterprise-Objective: Trading Agency

Complete listing by WKO


All contents of this website are protected by copyright and other property rights. The rights to use all images and photos on this website are held by: Breyer Nora. Any private or commercial use of the images and photos of the website is only permitted with the written approval of the right holder. All rights reserved.

Can I use one of your photos?

Sure! You are welcome to republish one photo on your website/blog/newsletter – please link it back to the recipe or blog post you pulled it from!

Liability Notice

Despite careful control of the content, Ms. Breyer Nora assumes no liability for the content of external links and for the content of the linked pages.

Web Design and Web Development

Nora Breyer