Heat 7.93 oz Water (225g) to 93°C (200 °F). If you don't have an electric gooseneck kettle, there is a simple trick: bring the water to the boil and pour it into another pot (preferably a tiny gooseneck kettle). Transferring the water will cool it down to the right temperature.
7.93 oz Water
Weigh 0.53 oz Coffee beans (15 g).
0.53 oz Coffee beans
And grind with a medium grind. Optionally, use already-ground coffee.
Rinse the French press with hot water. This will bring your French press to the right temperature and prevent the coffee from cooling down too quickly.
Place the French Press on the scale, pour in the coffee, and then tare the scale.
Start the timer and brew quickly by adding 7.93 oz / 225 g hot water.
Leave to stand for 4 minutes, and then break the crust that forms. Do not stir; just carefully press the top layer of foam (crust) into the coffee with a spoon.
Place the plunger on top (do not press through) and stop just before the crust.
Leave to infuse for up to 8 minutes.
Then press the plunger down to just above the coffee.
Fill your serving glass with Cubed Ice and slowly pour out the coffee.